Working with us is easy.
First, give us a call @ 800.346.0011 or check out our website and ask for a 'Quick-Start Kit', this kit includes everything (boxes, prescription sheets etc.) you will need to send us your first appliances.
Once the kit arrives simply complete the prescription, follow the appliance packing instructions and then send it our way. If any questions arise just give us a call and we'll be more than happy to help.
With over thirty years in the orthodontic laboratory business, we've accumulated lots of tips and suggestions that can improve the final product for your patient. The purpose of this blog is to talk some of those ideas out with you as they come up.
The topic at hand today is impression quality. You wouldn't believe how many impressions or poured models we receive that are of less than wonderful quality. We can't afford needless remakes any more than you want to supply your patient with an appliance that doesn't fit. In order to make a great appliance we especially need to be provided with a quality model or impression.
Stop to think about the appliance to be made from the impression/model and concentrate on those areas that will be used for construction of wires or acrylic. For instance, we may not be concerned about how high into the vestibule the impression extends. It may be vital that the distal of the molars be accurately represented, however, so concentrate on that. Maybe your retainers extend only halfway back on the first molars - then concentrate on the palatal impression rather than the distal extension. Or maybe your appliance will require anterior acrylic and you need to focus on the accuracy of that area. To make it simple, if we receive a model that doesn't need any waxup or carving of plaster or any 'estimating' of the cervical lines, we can produce quality every time.
Check back often for more quick tips from NorthStar Orthodontics.
We love to see you smile!
For more information visit us at or call us at 800.346.0011.